- intestinal absorption
* * *внутренняя абсорбция
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
intestinal absorption — the uptake from the intestinal lumen of fluids, solutes, proteins, fats, and other nutrients into the intestinal epithelial cells, blood, lymph, or interstitial fluids of the intestine … Medical dictionary
intestinal — intestinal, ale, aux [ ɛ̃tɛstinal, o ] adj. • 1495; de 2. intestin ♦ Qui a rapport aux intestins. ⇒ cœliaque, entérique; entér(o) . Suc intestinal. Muqueuse intestinale. Gaz intestinaux. Occlusion, perforation intestinale. Vers intestinaux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
absorption — [ab sôrp′shən, abzôrp′shən; əb zôrp′shən, əbsôrp′shən] n. [L absorptio < absorbere: see ABSORB] 1. an absorbing or being absorbed 2. the fact or state of being much interested or engrossed 3. Biol. the passing of nutrient material, medication … English World dictionary
Intestinal villus — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = villi intestinales GraySubject = 248 GrayPage = 1174 Caption = Microvilli show electron dense plaques (open arrow) at their apices. These plaques may be the anchoring point for the microfilaments which run… … Wikipedia
intestinal juice — clear to pale yellow, watery secretion composed of hormones, digestive enzymes, mucus, and neutralizing substances released from the glands and mucous membrane lining of the small (small intestine) and large intestines (large intestine).… … Universalium
intestinal absorptive cell — one of the cells of the intestinal epithelium, having a brush border made up of many closely packed parallel microvilli, and believed to be associated with absorption, particularly of macromolecules … Medical dictionary
intestinal villi — villi intestinales [TA] the multitudinous threadlike projections that cover the surface of the mucosa of the small intestine and serve as the sites of absorption (by active transport and diffusion) of fluids and nutrients. Intestinal villus … Medical dictionary
intestinal bypass — the surgical circumvention, by anastomosis, of a diseased portion of the intestine; also sometimes used to reduce nutrient absorption in morbidly obese patients. * * * … Universalium
absorption — Synonyms and related words: Walter Mitty, ablation, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorbed attention, absorbency, absorbent, abstractedness, abstraction, adsorbent, adsorption, application, assimilation, attrition, bemusement, bile, blotter … Moby Thesaurus
intestinal bypass — noun surgical operation that shortens the small intestine; used in treating obesity • Hypernyms: ↑operation, ↑surgery, ↑surgical operation, ↑surgical procedure, ↑surgical process * * * the surgical circumvention, by anastomosis, of a diseased… … Useful english dictionary
enteral absorption — intestinal a … Medical dictionary